Sunday, February 1, 2009

Company Benefits from a GPS Vehicle Tracking System

By Implementing a GPS Tracking system for your Companies Fleet of Vehicles, a company can realize various benefits immediately.

  • Higher customer retention: Detailed tracking reports can provide information on the length and time of service stops and deliveries leading to higher customer satisfaction and retention.
  • Customer dispute resolution: Irrefutable data provides all the information required to assess the company's service performance.
  • Improved customer relations: Customers can be given proof that the company's service was delivered as promised.
  • Immediate cost savings: Get immediate reductions in fuel and maintenance costs by controlling speed and the activities of drivers. Unproductive use of the vehicle as well as abuse is substantially reduced.
  • More sales: Increase the number of sales calls. Increased productivity leads to more sales. Service more customers with the same number of vehicles.
  • Lower overtime costs: More efficient utilization of vehicles results in reduction of payroll and overtime.
  • Training: Easy identification of vehicles not being operated efficiently. This information can be used on training to improve efficiency and productivity.
  • Efficiency: Accurate information providing the facts. With the facts available, appropriate action plans can be implemented to improve business efficiency.
  • Administrative: Tracking reports can be used as an accurate record for time sheets and customer logs – no more uncertainties in this regard.
  • Insurance: By reducing excessive speeds and travel in unauthorized areas accidents and the risk of vehicle theft are reduced. With reduced claims, your insurance premiums are reduced.
  • Maintenance: Reduced your fleet maintenance costs because total fleet mileage is reduced and driving behavior is improved.
  • Peace of mind: Knowing where you vehicles have been when they were out-of-sight, 24 hours a day, seven days a week increases your confidence that the vehicles are being used responsibly and representing your company in the best possible way.

For more information on the benefits of a GPS tracking system or benefits to the employees and benefits to equipment owners please contact a Sales Representative at Bluewater Security Professionals

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